Teaching & Supervision
I currently (co-)supervise 3 fantastic PhD students (see People). If you are interested in doing a PhD please get in touch via email and we can arrange a meeting!
I supervise around 3-6 MSc thesis project students every year as well as a few BSc and smaller special projects. If you are interested in doing a project with me just send me a message or drop by my office (DTU Lyngby campus, Building 352). If you already have an idea we can discuss the feasibility and if it fits my research direction. If you don't have an idea we can discuss if any of my ideas fits your interests.
I collected some information and thoughts about my supervision of MSc/BSc students before, during and after a project here: https://thesisinfo.axelahrens.dk/Â
You can find the list of current and former MSc students here.
I am mostly involved in the teaching of the DTU course 22006: Acoustic Communication. You can find more information in the DTU course base. I am the main responsible of that course. If you are interested in following the course you can sign up through the DTU channels or get in touch with me.